A man from London who made £247,552 by illegally streaming sports and movie channels, as well as other premium television content, has been sentenced.
The research result show that primary schol students have insufficient awareness of what they can or cannot do online, or what behaviour is considered cybercrime.
The cultural associations representing a wide range of content creators welcome the Czech Republic's decision to support the text of the AI Act agreed in the difficult trialogue in December.
Police in Svidník, Slovakia, is prosecuting a copyright infringement case in which an illegal uploader posted thousands of films on the web.
Read new TV Nova CEO Daniel Grunt interview published in the current issue of MAM 06/2024.
After two years of negotiations, the European Union agreed on a regulatory framework for artificial intelligence.
When TV Nova started broadcasting, its current programme director, Silvia Majeská, was only nine years old. In Slovakia, she had to wait two more years for the arrival of commercial television, but she already remembers the start of Markíza.
The first month of the new year brought the highest share of viewership to Czech Television stations, Prima reached the second place.
A man from Manchester has received a 22-month suspended sentence after an eight-year investigation into the advertising and sale of unauthorised TV decoders.
The programme pillars of the Prima Group's TV channels are well set and we will not change them, says new programme director Alex Ruzek.
The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) has shutdown the illegal Cima4U streaming service.
The volume of ad GRPs delivered in the TV market also remained at a similar level in 2023 as a year earlier, monitoring data shows.