Category: SHORT READ

26. 4. 2022

Do you know how today's TV drives brands?

4. 4. 2022

Mediaguru shares a summary view of the development of individual media types in 2021, the second "covid" year.

25. 10. 2021

The gross volume of advertising investment in the media was higher in the first nine months of this year than in the same period last year, according to the monitoring.

1. 6. 2021

It is expected that in the coming days, the government will submit the draft Amendment to the Copyright Act to the Chamber of Deputies. The Amendment to the Copyright Act promises to strengthen the rights of copyright holders and to improve the accessibility of copyrighted works.

21. 11. 2020

TV companies around the world celebrate World Television Day on 21 November to remind us that TV makes a difference in people’s lives.

24. 12. 2019

Roughly one in three Czechs watches a film or TV series that they download illegally on their days off.

20. 11. 2019

TV professionals around the world celebrate World Television Day on 21 November to remind us that TV is so much more than linear viewing.

14. 6. 2019

As a part of its membership in the professional organization egta, the Association of Television and Radio Companies from Europe and beyond, the Association of Commercial Television was granted the opportunity to host egta’s 2019 professional CEO & Top Exec’s Summit.

23. 1. 2018

Media operators and advertising agencies associated in professional associations jointly support the amendment to the Medicines Act, which will be voted on Friday in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies and which proposes to repeal the latest amendment to the law on advertising regulation.