In the general viewer group over 15 years of age, Czech Television stations managed to maintain the highest share of the TV market last year. However, it was mainly commercial stations that showed growth.
In 2023, Czech Television stations achieved the highest share of the TV market in the general audience group over 15 years of age. Their share of the full-day audience was 29.88%, 1.59 percentage points lower than in 2022.
In this audience group, commercial competitors performed equally well. The Prima group recorded a share of 27.56% and the Nova group 27.04%. Both improved by more than 0.6 percentage points.
In prime time 15+ as well as in the 15-54 and 15-69 audience groups, the Nova group achieved the highest share as a year ago. The latter improved year-on-year in all audience categories, with the exception of prime time 15-54, where it stagnated.
For the Prima group, the most successful viewer group was the over-15 group, where it achieved a higher share than in 2022. In the other groups monitored, it remained behind its 2022 result.
Growth in the TV market was confirmed by Atmedia last year. The thematic stations it represents gained less than a percentage point to 5.90% in the 15-69 target group. Television List also continued its growth to 1.62% (also 15-69).
Conversely, the Barrandov Group stations posted a lower share, down by more than 0.5 percentage points.
Podíl TV skupin (%), rok 2023, celý den
Podíl TV skupin (%), rok 2023, prime-time

Source: ATO-Nielsen, 1.1.-31.12. 2023, TV živě+TS0-3 ke dni 2.1. 2024, změna uvedena v procentních bodech. Prime-time = 19:00-23:00
Prima Krimi's Jumper of the Year
Of the individual stations, Prima Krimi improved the most year-on-year (+0.7 pp., valid for 15+, all day), which surpassed a 4% share. Other successful TV stations included Television Seznam (+0.48 pp), Nova Gold (+0.42 pp), CT1 (+0.25 pp) and CT2 (+0.24 pp), which achieved its best result since 2017.
CHristmas Eve Fairytale the most watched programme
The most watched programme of 2023 was the Christmas Eve fairy tale Klíč svatého Petra (CT1), which was watched by 2.7 million TV viewers.