Receiving a TV signal via the internet or cable has become the strongest way to receive a signal in the Czech Republic, presented the ATO's Continuous Research.
The volume of ad GRPs delivered in the TV market also remained at a similar level in 2023 as a year earlier, monitoring data shows.
In the general viewer group over 15 years of age, Czech Television stations managed to maintain the highest share of the TV market last year. However, it was mainly commercial stations that showed growth. In 2023, Czech Television stations achieved the highest share of the TV market in the general audience group over 15 years ... Continue reading
The Prima TV group maintained its highest viewership in the broader over-15 audience group in all-day viewing in October.
The Prima group became the new TV number one in terms of share of viewership this September. It achieved the highest share in the universal 15+ group. Nova is the strongest in the 15-54 and 15-69 groups.
In the first half of this year, Czech Television stations had the highest share of all-day viewership in the over-15 age target group. However, compared to the same period last year, commercial TV stations improved mainly.
Czech Television's stations continued to record a market share of over 30% this May and achieved the highest market share in the universal group over 15 years of age.
Domestic TV stations delivered only a very slightly lower number of GRPs in the advertising TV market in Q1 2023 than in the same period a year earlier (-1.5%). Media Club and Nova Group remain the strongest commercial networks in terms of GRPs delivered.
Czech television's stations remained the strongest TVgroup in terms of audience share in the universal audience group over 15 years old in February based on Nielsen data.
The Czech Television is the strongest TV group in November in the universal audience over 15 years of age in terms of all-day viewership. The position of the commercial groups Prima and Nova is balanced in this audience category.
Marek Singer has been the head of FTV Prima Group since 2008. but only after fourteen long years can he be happy that Prima’s channels are catching up with their biggest competitor - the Nova group - in terms of viewership. In certain viewer target groups, they even surpassed TV Nova in March.
Media operators and advertising agencies associated in professional associations jointly support the amendment to the Medicines Act, which will be voted on Friday in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies and which proposes to repeal the latest amendment to the law on advertising regulation.