Film distributor CinemArt has won another round of litigation against Ulož.to. It concerned the film The Charlatan, which Ulož.to was offering for illegal online viewing in 2020.
Police officers from Poland’s Central Bureau for Combatting Cybercrime (CBZC) have closed one of the largest pirate site in the country offering viewers movies and series.
The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) said it has shut down an illegal video-streaming site that was racking up millions of monthly visits.
Hellspy, the internet data sharing platform, has decided to be closed as of next month. This is a direct response to the amendment to the copyright law, which has been in force since the beginning of this year.
Film and TV piracy increased in 2022 compared with the previous year, according to a research of MUSO company.
Anti-piracy coalition Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) says it has shut down Extreme-down, which it says is France’s second most popular illegal streaming and direct download site.
The European VOD Coalition has issued a statement on the recently announced EU Commission Recommendation on Piracy of Live Content and ahead of its publication.
Film and TV piracy increased in 2022 compared with the previous year, according to a research MUSO.
On February 2nd, MEPs expressed their support for the negotiating position proposed by the lead Committee IMCO thus giving the rapporteur a mandate to start the talks in trilogues. Despite welcomed amendments reinforcing the distinction between editorial content and advertising, the text presents important shortcomings for the media.
Watching illegal live content on TV was still widespread in Germany in 2022 and has increased in recent years, according to a new study consulting and research group Goldmedia compiled for industry association VAUNET.
In the context of the work of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), national Data Protection Authorities (DPA) presented their positions concerning the practice of cookie banners.
CULT MEPs drafted their amendments to the European Parliament's own initiative AVMSD implementation report.