14. 6. 2024

Joint call to ensure that creative & cultural industries’ content is more widely accounted for when designing policies and programmes within a dedicated Directorate in DG CNECT.

27. 4. 2024

In an interview with iDnes, Klára Brachtlová, president of the Association of Commercial Television, revealed how joining the association helps TV stations and why commercial media opposed the amendment to the law that increases fees for Czech Television.

3. 5. 2022

Today, broadcasters and streaming services around Europe celebrate Media Freedom Day[1]. As the European Commission drafts the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), ACT, ABBRO, ACCeS, AKTV, ARCA, CRTV, UTECA and VÖP recall common principles to safeguard media pluralism, independence and sustainability. Any new regulations impacting audio-visual media should be assessed in light of general principles, ... Continue reading