TV Nova has equipped Nova Gold and Nova Lady programmes with the audio description function. It can be activated by Skylink customers and those who receive the DVB-T2 Multiplex 24 signal.
The proposal to increase the collection of Czech TV licence fees is facing opposition from private broadcasters.
In the younger viewer categories 15-54 and 18-69 in the evening time slot, Nova was the strongest group for the first half of this year. In prime time 15+, Czech Television remained narrowly first.
Private TV stations have achieved groundbreaking preliminary rulings. Major operators have had to cut off access to several file-sharing repositories.
The Czech hockey team's ride to the finals helped the channel CT Sport to increase its share of viewership. Commercial TVs felt the impact.
Today's hit is online viewing. What are the legal options for watching content without additional fees?
Kamil Houska, director of news at TV Nova, spokes about the European Parliament elections and the plans for TN Live.
The Nova TV group posted the highest year-on-year growth in the TV market in April and also achieved the highest share.
In an interview with iDnes, Klára Brachtlová, president of the Association of Commercial Television, revealed how joining the association helps TV stations and why commercial media opposed the amendment to the law that increases fees for Czech Television.
The Association of Commercial Television celebrates its seventh anniversary this spring.
Daniel Grunt has a difficult task - to develop the paid streaming service Voyo, but at the same time not to compete with the traditional business that brings Nova billions of crowns from TV advertising.
TV Nova is launching the educational project Kyber tabu (Cyber Taboo), which aims to increase media literacy, primarily in the field of online media and the Internet in general.